

  • 水处理

双奖加冕!国瑞能连续五年蝉联 “北极星杯”年度光伏影响力品牌奖项

2022-09-27 09:00来源:国瑞能关键词:国瑞能光伏支架2022北极星杯收藏点赞




On 2022 November 23rd, 2022 PV New Era Forum, 'Walking with Light, Leading zero carbon' and the 11th BJX award was held in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province. Rely on its excellent customer services, quality PV stand products and great industry reputation, Grace Solar have won the award of 'Influential Photovoltaic Brand Award of the year' and 'Influential Featured Photovoltaic Project for the year'. This is the fifth time Grace Solar won the award of 'PV Influential Brand Award of the year'.


The 11th BJX award - photovoltaic influencers are a recognition of excellence in photovoltaic industry achievements in the progress and development of the photovoltaic industry. As one of the world's leading manufacturer of photovoltaic solar mounting system, Grace Solar aware the necessary of continuous improvement and innovation on its products for a better future. Grace Solar intelligent tracking system, PV+ products are and will continuously driving technological progress of the photovoltaic industry. And the application of Grace Solar solutions are already deeply trusted and praised by domestic and foreign customers.



With years of innovation and project experience, Grace Solar has successfully installed hundreds of photovoltaic projects around world. Among these projects, Taiwan Kaohsiung PV water plant project won the award of 'Influential Featured Photovoltaic Project 2022 '. Grace Solar now has a total of 4 PV water plants in Taiwan Province, covering water supply, sewage treatment and other water affairs institutions. The quality of the solar mounting structures and the reliability of the design are highly recognized by customers, which have a significant effect for local power supply stability, energy saving and consumption reduction.

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Grace Solar has won a number of honors to demonstrate its comprehensive strength and brand influence. In the near future, Grace Solar will continue to develop and innovate, bring professional services and excellent products to users at home and abroad.

投稿与新闻线索:陈女士 微信/手机:13693626116 邮箱:chenchen#bjxmail.com(请将#改成@)


