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2012-11-02 10:24来源:昱辉阳光关键词:昱辉阳光光伏项目组件收藏点赞



旧金山2012年11月1日- 昱辉阳光能源有限公司(纽交所:SOL),一家全球领先的太阳能光伏硅片及组件制造商,日前宣布,其客户Solar Planet Power Inc.(“Solar Planet”)这个月将完全使用昱辉阳光提供的组件来建设其在俄亥俄州West Jefferson 和Blacklick的小学和中学的地面及屋顶的几个光伏项目,昱辉阳光为此次合作提供了超过10兆瓦的太阳能光伏组件。Solar Planet是一家总部设在俄亥俄州的开发商,该公司已建设了超过200万美元的太阳能光伏项目,这些项目分布在10个市的20多个主要学校区、职业中心和其他设施,包括医院、机场和大学。

“第一轮项目的施工时间仅仅花了45天时间就完成,“Solar Planet 的总裁Siyd Tawana说, “这真是一次非常愉快的合作,昱辉阳光及时确保了其公司的高效率250 W和255 W组件的供应。这是一个非常伟大的合作,我们对于选择将昱辉阳光的组件安装在我们家乡俄亥俄州的项目寄予了厚望。我们正计划将我们的业务延伸到其他州,并期待与我们的长期合作伙伴昱辉阳光再次合作完成这些新项目,我们相信我们能为太阳能光伏市场提供最好的质量和转换效率。”


“美国市场仍然具有巨大增长潜力”,昱辉阳光美国区总裁Kevin Chen说到。“随着越来越多的州增加可再生能源在能源供应上的比例,如 Solar Planet和昱辉阳光这些拥有良好声誉的企业将蓬勃发展。我们期待着与其他类似于Solar Planet这样具有成长性及高品质的公司合作,在北美及南美发展具有成本效益的光伏发电项目。

Ohio Developer Flips Switch on Multi-Megawatt Project Powered by ReneSola Modules

First Wave of Solar Planet’s School PV Initiative Goes Live

SAN FRANCISCO, November 1, 2012 – ReneSola Ltd (“ReneSola” or the “Company”) (NYSE: SOL), a leading global manufacturer of solar photovoltaic (“PV”) modules and wafers, is proud to announce that its customer Solar Planet Power Inc. (“Solar Planet”) this month commissioned several ground and rooftop projects composed entirely of ReneSola modules at elementary and high schools in West Jefferson and Blacklick, Ohio. The Company has provided more than 10 MW of solar PV modules to Solar Planet, an Ohio-based developer with contracts to install $200 million in solar projects in more than 20 major school districts, 10 municipalities, many career centers and other facilities, including hospitals, airports and universities.

“Construction on the first round of projects took only 45 days to complete,” said Siyd Tawana, president of Solar Planet. “It was truly a pleasure working with ReneSola to secure the company’s high-efficiency 250 W and 255 W modules in a timely manner. It has turned into a great partnership. We have high expectations when selecting modules for the projects we currently have contracted in our home state of Ohio. We are planning to expand to states on both coasts and look forward to completing those new projects with ReneSola, our long-term partner, whom we believe offers the best quality, size options and efficiencies in today’s solar PV marketplace.”

For the full year 2012, ReneSola will deliver record shipments of solar PV modules and wafers worldwide. ReneSola’s products can be found in numerous projects across the United States, as the Company has been providing wafers to leading module manufacturers for several years. As ReneSola continues to grow its presence globally in the module sector, it expects North and South America to be large contributors to its growth in 2013 and beyond.

“The American markets are still ripe with tremendous growth potential,” said Kevin Chen, president of ReneSola America. “With more and more states coming on line and others increasing their renewable portfolio standards, companies with outstanding reputations, such as Solar Planet and ReneSola, will flourish. We look forward to forging more partnerships with other leading developers like Solar Planet to grow the number of high-quality, cost-effective PV projects in North and South America.”

投稿与新闻线索:陈女士 微信/手机:13693626116 邮箱:chenchen#bjxmail.com(请将#改成@)


