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2013-06-14 10:26来源:北极星太阳能光伏网关键词:光伏产业恒基伟业双反收藏点赞



China Photovoltaic Industry Beijing Declaration

From the new mission of a new era comes new responsibility. In responding to the challenges of the EU’s solar industry anti-dumping and anti-subsidy tariffs, strengthening communication, promoting common views, cooperating, and creating synergies are all of particular importance. Consequently, the members of China’s new energy resource industries are jointly issuing this “China Photovoltaic Industry Beijing Declaration”.

Our Common View: Sustainable Development for the Photovoltaic Industry Lies in Technological Innovation

Continuously falling photovoltaic power generation costs are triggering the large scale opening of China’s domestic market. Following a round of industry reshuffling within the next few years, China’s domestic photovoltaic industry is poised to usher in a higher quality period of development as tremendous domestic demand infuses new life into the industry. The sustainable and healthy development of China’s photovoltaic industry is intricately bound up with technological innovation. We must energetically cultivate the independent innovation abilities of energy enterprises and guide enterprises in both increasing their technology R&D investment as well as breaking through core technology bottlenecks. This will have the result of promoting sustainable innovation abilities.

We Advocate Fair & Healthy Competition and Mutual Cooperation

Breaking out of an unhealthy situation requires two things. First, guidance from forward-looking industrial policies is needed. Second, individual businesses themselves need to act. We advocate healthy competition within the industry—this type of competition leads to common progress. We advocate fair competition—this is of crucial importance to mobilizing the enthusiasm of industry participants. We advocate mutual cooperation—win-win cooperation is the obvious choice.

We Look Forward to the Establishment of a Free Global Trade Pattern

We call on developed countries to establish a development concept characterized by global free trade as well as oppose trade protectionism. We look forward to the establishment of a beneficial new pattern of global trade. Trade protectionism is harmful for everyone concerned. When the EU levied this round of anti-subsidy and anti-dumping tariffs on Chinese photovoltaic products, over half of EU member countries opposed the decision of the European Commission. This fact speaks volumes about the importance of global free trade.

We Firmly Believe Mankind is Making Progress Towards a Better Future

We remain optimistic about the future prospects of the global photovoltaic industry. Along the industry’s long road of integration and innovation, we shall proceed with an attitude of cautious optimism. We will strive to use responsibility and confidence to promote the photovoltaic industry’s development and drive forward a Chinese energy production and consumption revolution. Our joint efforts will make the overall sustainable development of the global economy and the environment a reality, things which will ultimately result in a better future and a more beautiful planet for future generations.

投稿与新闻线索:陈女士 微信/手机:13693626116 邮箱:chenchen#bjxmail.com(请将#改成@)


