开始时间:2018-06-28 | 结束时间:2018-06-29 |
举办地区:江苏 | 举办场馆:无锡 |
主办单位:亚化咨询 | |
承办单位:亚化咨询 | |
上届参会人数:300 | |
4th PERC Solar Cell and Bifacial Module Forum 2018
1. 全球与中国光伏行业展望与PERC技术前景
2. PERC电池产能扩张与市场份额展望
3. 多晶与单晶PERC电池的竞争力分析
4. PERC电池效率提升展望——如何实现24%以上的转换率?
5. PERC电池光致衰减(LID)机理与应对措施
6. 双面PERC电池技术挑战与解决方案
7. 双面PERC电池测试标准与背面发电优化
8. 双面PERC电池组件实际发电投资回报分析
9. PERC背钝化工艺设备——PECVD与ALD
10. 高品质TMA前驱体助力PERC背钝化效果提升
11. 用于PERC背膜开孔的先进激光技术
12. PERC电池导电浆料与金属化工艺创新
13. 常规电池产线升级改造为PERC产线的经验
14. PERC电池生产线优化与新一代技术研发
15. TOPCon技术在PERC电池的应用前景
由于日期临近,如有意向参会或者赞助,欢迎您和我们联系。负责人:孔小姐 021-68726606-102 / 13918486381(同微信号) 或Email至emma.k@chemweekly.com
Passivated emitter and rear cell (PERC) is becoming the new generation of solar cell technology. Mature manufacturing processes and low capital investment make PERC capacity easy to expand, coupled with the downstream market demand for high-power modules, the PV industry to actively expand PERC capacity. In 2017, global solar cell capacity is about 125GW, including PERC capacity of 35GW. The new or upgraded P-type crystalline silicon solar cell production line in 2018 will basically use PERC technology.
Compared with the conventional cell production line, PERC technology can increase the solar cell conversion efficiency effectively by only increasing the rear passivation and laser grooving steps and the cooperation of the metallization process. PERC technology makes P-type crystalline silicon solar cell efficiency improved to unimaginable. In Oct.2017, JinkoSolar announced record-breaking multi-Si PERC solar cell efficiency of 22.04%. In Feb.2018, LONGi LERRI announced record-breaking mono-Si PERC solar cell efficiency of 23.6%.
The advantages of PERC technology are also reflected in the potential to be compatible with other high-efficiency cell and module technologies to continually improve efficiency and power generation. PERC solar cell efficiency can be further enhanced by using technologies such as MBB, selective emitter and TOPCon; combined diamond wire sawing and black silicon technology to increase the competitiveness of multi-Si cells. Bifacial PERC achieves double-sided power generation with almost no increase in cost and 10%-25% power generation gain at the system end, greatly enhancing the competitiveness and future development potential of PERC technology.
Meanwhile, continuing improvement and localization of PERC equipment, as well as the maturity of PERC metallization paste technology, are also conducive to the rapid application of PERC technology, and the mass production efficiency of mono-Si and multi-Si PERC cell recently will be more than 22% and 21% respectively. However, in order to maintain competitiveness, PERC cells need to further enhance the conversion efficiency and reduce costs, improve yield and commit to solving the problem of light induced degradation (LID).
4th PERC Solar Cell and Bifacial Module Forum will be held in June 28, 2018 in Wuxi, Jiangsu, China. The upcoming conference will discuss global and China PV industry outlook and PERC prospect, competitive analysis and market share of multi-Si and mono-Si PERC cell, PERC solar cell production line optimization and key technology equipment, bifacial PERC solar cell technical challenges, test standards and rear side generation optimization, bifacial PERC module real power generation return on investment, PERC LID mechanisms and solutions, PERC solar cell efficiency improvement outlook, PERC solar cell paste and metallization technology, etc.
1. Global and China PV industry outlook and PERC prospect
2. PERC solar cell capacity expansion and market share outlook
3. Competitive analysis of multi-Si and mono-Si PERC cell
4. PERC efficiency outlook - how to achieve above 24% conversion efficiency?
5. LID mechanism and solutions for PERC cell
6. Bifacial PERC technical challenges and solutions
7. Bifacial PERC test standards and rear side generation optimization
8. Bifacial PERC module real power generation return on investment
9. PERC rear passivation process equipment——PECVD and ALD
10. High quality TMA precursors boost PERC rear passivation
11. Advanced laser opening technologies for PERC passivation layer
12. PERC solar cell paste and metallization technology
13. Experience of upgrading the conventional solar cell production line to PERC
14. PERC production line optimization and next-generation technology R&D
15. TOPCon technology application prospects on PERC
If you want to attend the meeting or asking for meeting information, please contact:
Miss Emma Kong
Tel: +86-21-68726606-102
Cell: +86-13918486381
Email: emma.k@chemweekly.com
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