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Kent-based solar distributor Ecolution Renewables has announced that it will be stocking GoodWes range of solar inverters.Commenting on the partnership, Daniel Huang, GoodWes general manager said: We are very proud to have Ecolution as our UK partner as they are one of the lea...... [More]

In the report, the Commission identifies solar cell producer DelSolar (Wujiang) Ltd. as having the highest dumping margin, 112.6%. The company is the Chinese subsidiary of Taiwan-based cell producer DelSolar Co. Ltd., which recently merged with Neo Solar Power (NSP). The merge...... [More]

CHANGZHOU, China, June 5, 2013 Trina Solar Limited (Trina Solar or the Company), a global leader in photovoltaic modules, solutions and services, offers the following statement regarding the preliminary determination of anti-dumping duties by the European Commission.On June 5...... [More]

In an interview with the newspaper Frankfurter Rundschau Altmeier said on Friday, his estimated 1 billion ($1.3 billion) were correct. And thats more likly too low than too high, he added.According to Altmaier the German government will have to invest that amount up until 2040...... [More]

Sungrow Power Supply Co., Ltd, the largest Asian producer of inverters, announced that a 3.0MW PV-plant using Sungrows popular string inverter SG20KTL has been operating reliably since its success grid-connection in Romania in February 2013.The plant, located in Central Romani...... [More]

Speaking to the influential European Parliament trade committee, De Gucht went so far as to call Chinese efforts a waste of time, reports Reuters.They (the Chinese) are not going to impress me by putting pressure on member states, De Gucht said. I could not care less whether th...... [More]

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