The solar industry shakeout continues as rock-bottom solar panel prices have forced a difficult decision at yet another high-tech California solar firm. SolFocus, a San Jose-based manufacturer of concentrating photovoltaic modules, has announced its looking for a company to bu...... [More]
THEY accont for less than 4 per cent of our electricity generation now, but solar and wind could be cheaper than coal by 2030, according to the Climate Commission.Chief commissioner Professor Tim Flannery said rooftop solar panels may already be cheaper than conventional elect...... [More]
Megalim Solar Power, a company established by BrightSource Energy and Alstom, has won the bid to build a 121MW solar thermal power plant in Israel. The construction contract was awarded by Israels inter-ministerial Tender Committee.The 121MW BrightSource-Alstom Megalim plant i...... [More]
German development bank KfW has signed off a 100 million loan to Moroccos solar energy agency MASEN to build a concentrated solar power (CSP) plant in the south-central area of the contry.The 160MW solar thermal plant will be constructed in Ouarzazate, with further planned pla...... [More]
Expectations of market conditions improving in 2013 are likly to result in polysilicon prices within the solar industry rebounding slightly, according to the latest analysis from market research firm IHS.However, prices for 9N solar polysilicon fell by over 9% in October, acco...... [More]
A two-year European Commission-funded project has been launched to investigate ways of integrating more PV electricity into the European grid.The so-called PV Grid project is being led by a consortium of 20 members consisting of national PV associations, distribution system op...... [More]
SolarStar has been concentrated in the photovoltaic field since 2008, supplying the latest news, business information, bbs, material downloading, and industry analysis for the photovoltaic professionals.
It is a photovoltaic business interactive platform with 200,000 members covering all of the related fields. So it is the most influential and most well-known network in the photovoltaic in China.
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