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Germanys Federal Network Agency, the Bundesnetzagentur, has announced 18 solar projects with a combined generation capacity of 100.6 MW were allocated in the latest tender held for PV projects ranging in size from 750 kW to 10 MW.The tender was almost five times oversubscribed as...... [More]

The cooling effect of PV  (2019-09-25)

With the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recently suggesting 12% of global CO2emissions come fromrefrigeration air conditioning, a study led by researchers at FinlsAalto Universityhas posited a solution: solar power energy storage.Finnish researchers collaborated with colle...... [More]

14 PV trends for 2019  (2019-01-02)

To sum up, The story of 2019 is likly to be more auctions in contries which need more energy, more prices of $25-35/MWh, more utility-scale storage associated with PV. More mono. Probably some exits of current manufacturers, Jenny Chase, head of solar analysis at BloombergNEF to...... [More]

We at pv magazine USA have not been the biggest fans of the U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commissions (FERC) monthly Energy Infrastructure upate. There are multiple reasons why we feel the report falls short.To start with, it does not include behind-the-meter distributed solar, ...... [More]

While power sector holdouts such as FirstEnergy get headlines by pushing for disingenuous regulatory changes in a vain attempt to make the future look lik the past, many U.S. power companies are seeing the light in the low predictable costs of large-scale wind solar.One of the ...... [More]

With triple-digit growth rates, Latin America is one of the fastest growing regions for solar energy in the world today. According to GTM Researchs Latin America PV Playbook, the region is on track to install 2.3 gigawatts of solar this year.Source: GTM Research Latin America PV ...... [More]

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