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尊敬的女士/先生:Dear Madam/Sir:2月18日-19日,一年一度的2025波兰凯尔采新能源展览会将在波兰凯尔采国际展览中心举行。该展会是波兰能源领域备受瞩目的年度盛会,其核心特色在于展示可再生能源和电力工业的先进技术和创新解决方案。展会汇聚了众多国际领先的能源企业,为业界人士提供了一个展示最新研发成果、拓展国际市场的平台。同时,这一盛会也为能源行业的未来发展注入了新的活力和动力,推动了行业的持续创新和进步。The annual 2025 Kielce Renewable Energy Expo will be held on February...... [More]

On August 21, 2023, Jiangsu Zhongli Group Co., Ltd., the parent company of Suzhou Talesun Solar Technologies Co., Ltd., signed an Agreement (of Intent) on Restructuring Investment with Changshu Guangsheng New Energy Co., Ltd., the provisional corporate administrator.The signing ...... [More]

【Wuhan, China, Nov. 8, 2022】The 14th Meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties to the Ramsar Convention on Wetls (COP14) was held simultaneously in Wuhan, China, Geneva, Switzerl, from November 5 to 13.On November 8, Ni Jiujian, Vice President of System Solutions Depa...... [More]

【Shanghai, China, Nov. 8, 2022】On November 8, the 2022 Third International Carbon Neutrality Green Investment Conference was held in Shanghai with the theme Leading the New Development of Science Technology, Opening up a New Double Carbon Track. George Huo, General Manager of B...... [More]

【Xian, China, Nov. 6, 2022】World""s premier solar technology manufacturer, LONGi, took part in the 5thHongqiao International Economic Forum as the sole solar enterprise during the 5thChina International Import Expo (CIIE) that kicked off on November 4 in Shanghai.Li Wenxue, Vice ...... [More]

An 800MW solar power plant in Qatar has been connected to the grid at full capacity, with all modules provided by LONGi. The project launch ceremony took place in Qatar on October 18, with His Highness Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al Thani,Amir of the State H.E. Saad Sherlda Al-Kaabi,...... [More]

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